SuperCollider for iPad ============================================ version 0.4 BUILD SUMMARY This directory contains a debug build of SuperCollider v3.5.5 (SC) for iOS. It was tested on a jailbroken iPad2 running iOS 5.0.1. The build was derived from the "3.5" branch of the standard GitHub SuperCollider root on October 5th, 2012. ( Effecting the build required some minor hacks, captured in the patch file diff.buildipad.txt. Once the universal binary was installed on the iPad, further modifications were required to SCClassLibrary/, taken from the root of the 3.5 branch. Changes in this directory are documented by READMEs within the directory heirarchy. Note that SuperCollider uses ~/Documents/ as its home directory. The instructions below help setup this directory. CAPABILITIES This build of SuperCollider for iOS runs an internal scsynth server against a fully functional sclang application. Given WIFI access, sclang can be configured to send OSC to any scsynth on the network. PREPARATION This build follows the instructions documented by README_JAILBROKEN_IPHONE.txt found at the SC root. This package presents a universal binary and a roughly consistent set of SuperCollider classes, but still requires the enduser to execute a few steps before the installation is complete. The original documentation remains the authoritive description of what is required. It may still be helpful to consider the following information about disabling app signatures for iOS: INSTALLING SUPERCOLLIDER 1) Jailbreak your iOS device. Please feel free to email me on this, but mostly: you are on your own. Knowing basic UNIX tools will be helpful. If you are new to UNIX, please consider _UNIX_Programming_Environment_ by Kernighan and Pike. Once you own your device, establish new root and mobile passwords and become comfortable with using SSH to send and receive files from remote machines. Net resources and published documentation on all counts is excellent. Of the many useful Cydia tools and packages, single out iFile and learn its capabilities. For standard terminal access, consider installing MobileTerminal found via Cydia search. 2) Upload the enclosed binary for ldid. (Executed as root.) % scp bin/ldid root@:/var/tmp It is preferable that you install ldid directly via Cydia. Search for "bigboss recommended tools" (or refer to the link above at and install the result. 3) Upload and configure the build of SuperCollider. (Executed as root.) % scp root@:/var/tmp % ssh root@ # cd /Applications # tar xfvz /var/tmp/ # chown -R root.wheel # chmod 755 # /var/tmp/ldid -S /Applications/ 4) Upload and install the SCClassLibrary. (Executed as mobile.) % scp scclasslib.tgz mobile@: % ssh mobile@ % cd Documents % tar xfvz ~/scclasslib.tgz % rmdir -rf SCClassLibrary % mv scclasslib/* . % rmdir scclasslib 5) Reboot SpringBoard or power cycle your iThingy. When it wakes up next, SuperCollider should appear on the SpringBoard. The following project provides interesting codes that are easy to cut and paste into the editor: Enjoy and Good Luck.