Monday and Wednesday, 2:00 - 3:20 pm. Bronson Creek 130. The building labeled 16 on the map.
Instructor: Tim Sheard
Office: 272 in the Compton Building. The building labeled 20 on the map..
phone: 503-725-2410
Syllabus. A brief listing of topics covered in the course.
Lecture Notes as presented in the fall of 2004. The notes consist of Powerpint slides (and associated Haskell code).
Assignments The homework assignments, and their due dates, as assigned in the fall of 2004.
Software. A link to the Hugs page of the Haskell home page. Follow this link to download software.
Below I will post announcements. I will post new announcements in front of old ones, so the old ones will always still be there, only further down the page.
Link to updated graphics libraries.
The text is: The Haskell School of Expression by Paul Hudak. The book is published by Cambridge University Press. You may copy of the text book from It should also appear in bookstores shortly.
Assignment Protocol
The protocol for turning in homework.
Email a copy of the homework (including source code, and possibly a README)
The e-mail is expected to be received before or on the due-date and will be acknowledged when received.
The email address to use is:
You are also expected to turn in a paper copy in class
on the due date.
Other links of interest