*) datatype MLtype = Unit | Int | Char | Bool | Product of MLtype list | Arrow of (MLtype * MLtype) | Tvar of (MLtype option) ref; val t1 = Arrow(Int,Bool) val t2 = Product[t1,Char,Unit] val t3 = Arrow(Int,Arrow(Int,Bool)); val t4 = Product[t1,t2,t3,Bool]; fun prune (Tvar(r as (ref(SOME x)))) = let val last = prune x in r := SOME last; last end | prune x = x; fun showt Unit = "()" | showt Int = "int" | showt Char = "char" | showt Bool = "bool" | showt (Product ts) = let fun showeach [] = "" | showeach [x] = showt x | showeach (x::xs) = (showt x)^"*"^(showeach xs) in "("^(showeach ts)^")" end | showt (Arrow(x,y)) = "("^showt x^" -> "^showt y^")" | showt (Tvar(ref NONE)) = "`a" | showt (Tvar(ref (SOME z))) = showt z; (* showt t1 showt t2 showt t3 *) fun typeeq (x,y) = case (prune x,prune y) of (Unit,Unit) => true | (Int,Int) => true | (Char,Char) => true | (Bool,Bool) => true | (Arrow(d1,r1),Arrow(d2,r2)) => typeeq(d1,d2) andalso typeeq(r1,r2) | (Product(ss),Product(ts)) => (listeq ss ts) | (Tvar(r as (ref NONE)),t) => (r := SOME t; true) | (t,Tvar(r as (ref NONE))) => (r := SOME t; true) | (_,_) => false and listeq (x::xs) (y::ys) = typeeq(x,y) andalso listeq xs ys | listeq [] [] = true | listeq _ _ = false; (* typeeq(t1,t2); typeeq(t1,t1); typeeq(Bool,Bool) *) datatype Op = Plus | Less | And datatype Constant = Cint of int | Cchar of char | Cbool of bool datatype Exp = Lit of Constant (* 5 *) | Var of string (* x *) | App of Exp*Exp (* f x *) | Tuple of Exp list (* (x,3,true) *) | Infix of Exp*Op*Exp (* x+3 *) | Stmt of Exp list (* (print x; 3) *) | If of Exp * Exp * Exp (* if x then y else 3 *) | While of Exp * Exp (* while x do (f x) *) | Anonfun of string* MLtype * Exp (* (fn x => x+1) *) | Let of Dec*Exp (* let val x = 1 in x end *) and Dec = Valdec of string*Exp | Fundec of string*string*MLtype*Exp val exp1 = Lit(Cint 5); val exp2 = Var "x"; val exp3 = App(Var "f",Var "x"); val exp4 = Tuple[Var "x",Lit(Cint 3),Lit(Cbool true)]; val exp5 = Infix(Var "x",Plus,Lit(Cint 3)); val exp6 = Stmt[App(Var "print",Var "x"),Lit(Cint 3)]; val exp7 = If(Var "x",Var "y",Lit(Cint 3)); val exp8 = While(Var "x",App(Var "f",Var "x")); val exp9 = Anonfun("x",Int,Infix(Var "x",Plus,Lit(Cint 1))); val exp10 = Let(Valdec("x",Lit(Cint 1)),Var "x"); exception TypeError of Exp*string; fun error e s = raise(TypeError (e,s)); fun TCOp Plus = (Int,Int,Int) | TCOp Less = (Int,Int,Bool) | TCOp And = (Bool,Bool,Bool); fun TCConstant (Cint n) = Int | TCConstant (Cchar c) = Char | TCConstant (Cbool t) = Bool; fun unexpected r t1 t2 = error r ("Found type "^(showt t1)^" expecting type "^(showt t2)); fun TCExp x cntxt = case x of Lit c => TCConstant c | Var s => (case List.find (fn (nm,t) => nm=s) cntxt of SOME(nm,t) => t | NONE => error x "Undeclared variable") | Infix(l,x,r) => let val ltype = TCExp l cntxt val rtype = TCExp r cntxt val (lneed,rneed,result) = TCOp x in case (typeeq(ltype,lneed),typeeq(rtype,rneed)) of (true,true) => result | (true,false) => unexpected r rtype rneed | (false,true) => unexpected l ltype lneed | (false,false) => unexpected l ltype lneed end | App(f,x) => let val ftype = TCExp f cntxt val xtype = TCExp x cntxt in case prune ftype of Arrow(dom,rng) => if (typeeq(dom,xtype)) then rng else unexpected x xtype dom | other => error f ("the type "^showt other^" is not a function") end | Stmt xs => let val xstypes = List.map (fn x => TCExp x cntxt) xs fun last [x] = x | last (x::xs) = last xs | last [] = error x "Tuple with no elements" in last xstypes end | Tuple xs => let val xstypes = List.map (fn x => TCExp x cntxt) xs in Product xstypes end | If(x,y,z) => let val xtype = TCExp x cntxt val ytype = TCExp y cntxt val ztype = TCExp z cntxt in if typeeq(xtype,Bool) then if (typeeq(ytype,ztype)) then ytype else unexpected y ytype ztype else error x ("the type "^ showt xtype^ " is not boolean") end | While(test,body) => let val ttype = TCExp test cntxt val btype = TCExp body cntxt in if typeeq(ttype,Bool) then btype else unexpected test ttype Bool end (* | Anonfun(x,t,body) => let val btype = TCExp body ((x,t)::cntxt) in Arrow(t,btype) end *) | Anonfun(x, _ ,body) => let val t = Tvar(ref NONE) val btype = TCExp body ((x,t)::cntxt) in Arrow(prune t,btype) end | Let(d,b) => let val (_,cntxt2) = TCDec d cntxt val btype = TCExp b cntxt2 in btype end and TCDec (Valdec(nm,exp)) cntxt = let val nmtype = TCExp exp cntxt in (nmtype,(nm,nmtype)::cntxt) end | TCDec (Fundec(nm,arg,argtype,body)) cntxt = let val bodytype = TCExp body ((arg,argtype)::cntxt) val nmtype = Arrow(argtype,bodytype) val newcntxt = (nm,nmtype)::cntxt in (nmtype,newcntxt) end (**)