
exception Error of string;

fun error s = (print s; raise (Error s));

datatype Re =
  empty of int
| simple of string * int
| concat of Re * Re
| closure of Re
| union of Re * Re;

datatype token =
| Bar
| Star
| Hash
| Leftparen
| Rightparen
| Single of string;

fun tok2str Done = "Done"
  | tok2str Bar = "|"
  | tok2str Star = "*"
  | tok2str Hash = "#"
  | tok2str Leftparen = "("
  | tok2str Rightparen = ")"
  | tok2str (Single c) = c;

val lookahead = ref Done;
val input = ref [Done];
val location = ref 0;

fun nextloc () =
 (location := (!location) + 1; !location)

(* simple lexical analyser *)
fun lexan s =
let fun help [] = []
      | help (#"|" :: xs) = Bar :: help xs
      | help (#"*" :: xs) = Star :: help xs
      | help (#"#" :: xs) = Hash :: help xs
      | help (#"(" :: xs) = Leftparen :: help xs
      | help (#")" :: xs) = Rightparen :: help xs
      | help (x :: xs) = Single (String.implode [x]) :: help xs
in help (String.explode s) end;

fun init s = (location := 0;
                    input := lexan s;
              lookahead := hd(!input);
              input := tl(!input));

fun match t =
if (!lookahead) = t
   then (if null(!input)
            then lookahead := Done
            else (lookahead := hd(!input)
                 ; input := tl(!input)))
   else error ("looking for: "^(tok2str t)^
               " found: "^(tok2str (!lookahead)));

fun Alt () =
  let val x = Concat ()
      val y = moreAlt ()
  in case y of
       NONE => x
     | SOME z => union(x,z)

and moreAlt () =
 case (!lookahead) of
   Bar => let val _ = match Bar
              val x = Alt()
              val y = moreAlt ()
          in case y of
               NONE => SOME x
             | (SOME z) => SOME(union(x,z))
 | _ => NONE

and Concat () =
  let val x = Closure ()
      val y = moreConcat ()
  in case y of
       NONE => x
     | SOME z => concat(x,z)

and Closure () =
 let val x = Simple()
 in case !lookahead of
      Star => (match Star; closure x)
    | other => x

and moreConcat () =
 case (!lookahead) of
   (Single _ | Leftparen | Hash) =>
     let val x = Closure()
         val y = moreConcat()
     in case y of
          NONE => SOME x
        | SOME z => SOME(concat(x,z))
 | _ => NONE

and Simple () =
 case !lookahead of
   Single c =>
     let val _ = match (Single c)
         val n = nextloc()
     in simple(c,n) end
 | Leftparen =>
     let val _ = match Leftparen
         val x = Alt();
         val _ = match Rightparen
     in x end
 | Hash =>
    let val _ = match Hash
        val n = nextloc()
    in empty n end
 | x => error ("In Simple no match: "^(tok2str x));

fun parse s =
let val _ = init s
    val ans = Alt()
    val _ = match Done
in ans end;
