When possible, I record my lectures and make them available to students. I use open source software that is known to have limitations. Sometimes the quality is poor. Sometimes, there is a delay between video and audio. Sometimes, the recording is missing the very last portion of a lecture. I apologize for these deficiencies, but I do not have the resources to fix these problems. Despite some limitations, recorded lectures give a good sense of what was done in the classroom, when video streams are not available.
To access recorded lectures, when available, you need an account on
. Every student is expected to have one. The recorded lectures are in the directory/stash/antoy
. Typically, each lecture is divided into two parts, before and after the break. The name of a file is intended to easily identify a lecture. Handwritten notes produced during the lectures are available in the subdirectorybyhand
.Instructions to view a recorded lecture are in the
file that you will find in thelinuxlab.cs.pdx.edu:/stash/antoy
directory. If you need assistance to access the lectures and/or to play them on a departmental computer, please contact the system administrator atcat@cs.pdx.edu
.If after reasonable attempts you are still unable to access the recorded lectures, execute the following command on the system you intend to use to playback the recorded lectures and e-mail me its output:
ssh linuxlab.cs.pdx.edu ls /stash/antoy